Change Your Thoughts You Change Your Life

Change your life
Change Your Thoughts You Change Your Life

Our thoughts, actions and emotions create our personalities which create our reality. All of which is either conscious or subconscious. Conscious thoughts are the thoughts you are aware of and have more control over. Your subconscious thoughts are thoughts that come from your memory, thoughts that you are not focusing on and not aware of but are just there hanging out calling you names and reminding you of your past and holding you back from living a life that is full of joy and happiness. Subconscious thoughts can be detrimental to your mental health, success and manifesting your desired future. This is where most of your critical and self sabotaging thoughts arise. Thoughts that lie dormant from when you were a child, memories whether good or bad, negative experiences that have created these thoughts do not help you with your potential and they definitely do not heal you feeling lost, depressed or not worthy.

Change your thoughts you will change your life. The aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

Paying attention to your thinking can change your life. Did you know…

Your Thoughts affect your beliefs.

Your Beliefs affect your expectations.

Your Expectations affect your attitude.

Your Attitude affects your behavior.

Your Behavior affects your performance.

Your Performance will change your Life. Sooooooo Be Careful…

Be careful of your THOUGHTS,

For your thoughts become your words.

Be careful of your WORDS,

For your words become your actions.

Be careful of your ACTIONS,

For your actions become your habits.

Be careful of your HABITS,

For your habits become your character.

Be careful of your CHARACTER,

For your character become your DESTINY.

For more motivational speech by a leader please refer:

Self Confidence is Self Knowledge

Self Confidence

Self confidence STARTS with Self Knowledge and when does Self Knowledge start? It begins when you ask yourself, “Who am I?” You don’t have to provide an answer right away, but you do have to answer the question. Let’s see, start with your name. you may add your gender then give an important aspect you have of yourself, such as: “I am beautiful and start. You may also go on to add your outward traits, such as something you love to do. I love to work with teens & young adults.  Beneath all of these surface traits, you need to love who YOU are!

Self Confidence vs Conceited

Let’s be clear Self Confidence and Conceited are two different things. A person who is conceited is someone who has a falsely high opinion of himself/herself for traits that are greatly exaggerated. Conceited is NOT attractive!! This type of person constantly puts on a show of being smart, tough, or physically attractive; instead, this person feels empty and insecure inside. Other people’s opinions are overly important to a conceited person, because they don’t have a secure sense of self. Self Confidence is not conceited don’t get it twisted.